A Father's Special Gift - Sweetness and Sustainability June 21 2015
Me: What is the most challenging part of being a Dad?
Steve: For me it is challenging how new everything is. I think the first baby is the most challenging because you are learning everything as you go like what each cry means, and what she needs at that moment.
Me: How has life changed for you since becoming a father?
Steve: I thought life was great before becoming a dad but now it has so much more meaning. It is not just about my wife and I anymore but also my daughter and making sure everything is as good as it possibly can be. With this, I do tend to worry about finances more because I want to be able to support my family.
Me: What are some values you wish to instill in your daughter?
Steve: My wife and I both grew up surrounded by very supportive and loving families so I want her to understand the importance of that. I also want my daughter to be respectful, caring, strong and giving too.

Steve, his beautiful wife, Emily and baby Reese in their Hudson Vally Farmhouse
Me: Do you think it is important to buy from local markets and American made products?
Steve: I feel that buying American made products and from local markets is very important. There is something special about knowing where your products came from when you buy local. You feel like you are a part of the bigger picture in helping keep the American dream alive.
Me: Are you planning to teach your daughter about using local producers and entrepreneurs?
Steve: She is already surrounded by local producers. Her grandmother, my mother in law, is a local florist who has been in business for over 45 years. Just like my wife was, my daughter will be raised knowing how special it is to support these local businesses and how important this support is for the communities.

Baby Reese's feet on our Farm2Fashion poncho
Me: What is the best part about becoming a Dad?
Steve: That is exactly the answer...being a dad is the best part. Now she knows my face, so when she looks into my eyes and smiles it is an awesome feeling.
Me: What do you know about sustainability and being eco-friendly? Is this something you wish to share with your daughter?
Steve: I always try to be very conscious about sustainability. We do what we can like preserve water, use reusable grocery bags, reuse plastic bags, recycle on a daily basis. Recently we have been talking getting a compost pile going in the back yard for food instead of always using garbage bags. My wife is a teacher and she teaches her students about sustainability on a daily basis so I am sure she will with our daughter when she is old enough.

Father's Day sweetness with baby Reese
All photos courtesy of JacPFef.com